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Tourists in Italy to be fined

ROME, Italy is cracking down on unruly tourist behaviour in a bid to clean up the city. New rules see previous temporary measures made permanent and enforced by 500 new police officers who will fine those found breaking laws. Rome tourists will no longer be able to eat in a in a “slovenly” way as strict new measures are introduced in the capital of Italy. Holidaymakers will also no longer be able to drink in the street or organise pub crawls under the tough rules.

The whip has been crashed by Rome city council who are seeking to clean up the city.

Police have been handed more powers and could find those found breaking the rules hundreds of euros. A range of activities such as dog fouling and soliciting prostitution will also be banned. The mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, announced that 500 new city police will be employed to make sure the rules are enforced.

“After 72 years of waiting, Rome has new urban police regulations. Today is a historic day,” she said yesterday.

In the past, Rome has introduced temporary measures to crack down on unruly behaviour, but now these rules will become permanent. Now, anyone caught dressing up as a Roman centurion for photos will be fined €400 (£354).  Such costumed ‘gladiators’ are accused of over-charging, harassing and pick-pocketing unsuspecting tourists, reported The Local. There are also strict rules against drinking in the street – previously temporary, now permanent. It is also now permanently forbidden to drink alcohol in glass containers in public after 10pm.

  • From midnight, drinking alcohol in a public street at all is banned.
  • It is forbidden to serve alcoholic drinks past 2am, even in indoor bars and clubs.
  • Individuals caught doing the above will be fined €150 (£133) while business owners selling past curfew will be fined €280 (£255).
  • This rule has attracted much criticism as shop owners in areas known for student nightlife say customers are severely dwindling while drug dealers remain.
  • Eating near or climbing on fountains in Rome will also result in a fine.
  • People are not allowed to eat or drink at other sites of historical importance such as the Spanish Steps.

This exclusion law (similar to an ASBO (anti-social behaviour order) in the UK is known as the Daspo Urbano in Italy and was officially brought in this year. The Daspo Urbano allows police to fine and restrict the movement of people they deem a threat to public order, reported The Local.

Original article: https://www.express.co.uk/travel/articles/1045963/italy-rome-news-police-rules-latest-alcohol-holidays