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The Playful Living & Style Piccoli space at Pitti Bimbo for the first time

Large spaces where furnishings, adornments, accessories and toys dialogue with fashion clothing to create an unusual and exciting environment. This is the proposal put forward by The Playful Living & Style Piccoli project which comes to Pitti Bimbo for the first time occupying two areas of the Fortezza da Basso with ideas and suggestions for the world of childhood. On the Top Floor a layout reconstructs portions of domestic ambients: a living-room, kitchen, dining area and children’s bedrooms welcome different products in a receptive and informal context. The Playful Living & Style Piccoli Corner is in the Cavedio, on the Lower Level of the Main Pavilion, a lounge area open to all visitors where it is possible snuggle into the comfortable seats, admire the adornments as well as the wood and cardboard design structures, attend talks and meetings.

These ambients have been designed according to a precise philosophy: to bring play and positivity into all aspects of daily life, including the shopping experience. Two important initiatives will guarantee the value of the proposal and select the brands present. The Playful Living, a research project on the quality of life in domestic and public areas for children and families, and Style Piccoli, the Rcs bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the top proposals and kids’ sector trends that always keeps a vigilant eye on the world of fashion and design. Supporting the development of this model is Cilab – the Research Laboratory of the Politecnico, Milan, which is the project’s partner. A series of meetings entitled The Playful Tips will turn this into an unmissable space for buyers and retailers: round tables, workshops and debates bringing together specialists from the world of kids, companies, professionals, youth workers and sociologists, in order to share their thoughts, ideas and strategies for revolutionizing the way of living and communicating products for families and children.

Original article: http://www.pittimmagine.com/en/corporate/fairs/bimbo/news/2019/playfulliving.html