Situation update worldwide, as of 29 March 2020

Since 31 December 2019 and as of 29 March 2020, 657 140

Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 29 March 2020

As of 29 March 2020, 331 122 cases have been reported in the

Rapid risk assessment: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: increased transmission in the EU/EEA and the UK – seventh update

As of 25 March 2020, more than 416 916 cases of COVID-19

Guidelines for the use of non-pharmaceutical measures to delay and mitigate the impact of 2019-nCoV

This document provides guidance on the application of non-pharmaceutical countermeasures to minimise

Spanish Princess Becomes the First Royal to Die of Coronavirus Complications

Princess Maria Teresa de Borbón-Parma has become the first member of a

Coronavirus test: How long does it take to get your test back?

CORONAVIRUS testing efforts have redoubled on UK coronavirus sufferers, as the government

Coronavirus end: How will coronavirus end? The five terrifying scenarios

THE coronavirus crisis shows no signs of slowing down, with more than

Coronavirus named: What does COVID-19 stand for? Coronavirus name meaning

CORONAVIRUS has acquired a new name as cases of the disease push

How did the coronavirus start? What caused Coronavirus in China?

CORONAVIRUS has spread to almost every country in the world since it

How to quarantine your home if you or a loved one has Covid-19 – part 2

Cover up and disinfect
If you’re sick, the CDC says to use

How to quarantine your home if you or a loved one has Covid-19 – part 1

It’s a scenario all too many of us are facing — or

For those struggling to stay sober, coronavirus shutdowns offer hope as well as temptation

There’s no easy time to get sober, but a global pandemic is

You want a coronavirus test — here’s why your doctor probably won’t give you one

If you want to get a test for the novel coronavirus, you’re

Coronavirus deaths in the US could reach peak in three weeks, epidemiologist says

A leading epidemiologist advising the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Prince Charles tests positive for novel coronavirus

Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth II’s son and the heir to the British

Bunker with a bowling alley How the rich are running from coronavirus

Hand sanitizer? Sure. Face masks? Fine. But as the coronavirus spreads, the

Coronavirus A walk through a deserted Paris

With France in coronavirus lockdown, Paris has become almost deserted, with only

Italian streets fill with song as millions remain on coronavirus lockdown

Italians on lockdown are turning to song to connect with each other

Italy shutdown

Italy shut all stores except for pharmacies and food shops in a

Italy charges more than 40,000 people with violating lockdown

Italian authorities have pressed charges against more than 40,000 people for violating

Hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine and other potential COVID-19 treatments explained

During two of this week’s White House briefings, President Trump referred specifically

US has more than 13,000 cases, California governor estimates 25.5 million residents will get virus

Global cases: More than 242,000
Global deaths: At least 9,800
US cases:

L.A. County sees increase in cases

A man with an underlying medical condition became the second person to

L.A. orders all nonessential businesses closed, bans public gatherings of any size

In a dramatic bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus, Los

Colton Underwood, Idris Elba, Tom Hanks &More Stars Diagnosed With Coronavirus

Despite their best efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus, some

Andy Cohen Reveals He Tested PositiveFor Coronavirus & Bravo Stars Are‘Praying’ For Him

Despite being under ‘self-quarantine’ for a few days, Andy Cohen shocked fans


A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection

Preparing for Coronavirus: Dos and Don’ts

With cases in 42 states and the District of Columbia, coronavirus (and

Coronavirus Now in All 50 States

News about the coronavirus outbreak that started in Wuhan, China, is changing

Can Your Pets Get or Give You Coronavirus?

The threat that the virus causing COVID-19 could sicken pets and spread

Preparing for Coronavirus: Dos and Don’ts

Public health officials have been urging people to prepare — not panic