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A much anticipated catwalk show and a cocktail party: this is how Pitti Bimbo 89 will be celebrating ten years of Apartment, the section that has always focused on meticulous research into innovative, sophisticated and original brands destined for high-end boutiques. The names of the protagonists at the Lyceum include: aisabobo, anja schwerbrock, jessie and james london, michaela buerger, the middle daughter and tia cibani kids.

Save the date!

Happy birthday, Apartment!: 21 June (4.30 p.m.), the birthday cocktail party in the Lyceum: welcoming all the guests a fairy tale and, at the same time, surreal concept by Ilaria Marelli.

Apartment thanks the design furniture company Paphiro, which kindly supplied a series of furniture and objects among its exclusive creations: benches, stools and futons made of raw paper treated with a special process to make it water repellent on the surface, with an elegant honeycomb structure that strengthens the load-bearing capacity of the paper.

Original article: http://www.pittimmagine.com/en/corporate/fairs/bimbo/events/2019/happybirthdayapartment.html