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HappyReview: Bugaboo Bee+ vs New Bugaboo Bee3

bugaboo vsThe Bugaboo Bee is a very popular pushchair among urban parents because of its lightweight and compact design. The Bee3 has had some updates which includes a detachable carrycot.

Our experts and parents found it easy to use, compact when folded, and easy to push and manoeuvre. Bugaboo says that there have been many improvements from the previous version, including improvements to the wheels, chassis and harness, the rain cover and the shopping basket.

the Bee3 gives a smooth drive even on uneven ground, it feels light to push and the small turning circle seems similar to that of the last model. It’s still compact and it still seems to fold up compactly.

Take a look below and see for yourself the differences comparing to the previous model.

bugaboo vs 3 (3)