GB Pockit Plus – The New Version of World’s Tiniest Stroller

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Almost every parent and future parent knows about Pockit strollers. Pockit are known for their lightweight stroller products and designs. Because of this they are the best seller among parents who travel more. In 2017 October in Las Vegas at ABC Kids Expo the brand presented upgraded model. They named it GB Pockit+.

First Pockit model was a very good lightweight stroller. It was perfect for parents who often travel with their kids. This model didn’t have many features for comfort and convenience both for parents and their children. The manufacturer realized this so that leaded them to the new GB Pockit Plus Stroller. Read the full review below. For buying options click here.

This is the new upgraded model


The seat of the new model is very comfortable compared with the previous model. This upgrade helped a lot to make children seating more pleasurable. GB Pockit+ has a multi – position recline, so the strap and zipper on back rest allow reclining the seat. Also new seat is bigger, so it can accommodate bigger and older children. Fabric used for the seat is neoprene, which makes it comfy and soft.

GB Pockit Plus also has a bigger canopy, so it provides a better sun cover. It’s not the biggest but it gets the job done. This upgrade has rounded shape and it partially shades the child. Also UPF 50 + fabric gives protection from sun rays that are harmful.

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The original model was lighter, but it did not have the mentioned upgrades. The new model weight is 13 lbs. Strollers folded dimensions are 12.5″ x 7.8″ x 14.9″, which makes her tiniest in the world, compared with other models.

Folding mechanism is the same. GB Pockit+ has automatic lock, it comes handy to prevent the stroller from opening. It can be folded and kept under a table, trunk or even in a bag.

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This model has swivel front wheels so they can be locked for more rough terrain. But be cautious they are not suitable for bumpy terrain. Because the stroller is small it can be pushed with one hand. Brake pedal is placed between the rear dual wheels on right side. Storage is located under the seat and can hold up to 11 lbs, also is has an easy access.

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