When you’ve got a new family member joining your crew, time is precious—so you can clock some quality time with your partner, tackle that home improvement project that’s been on your to-do list for months or just sit back and relax. But knowledge is power! These are just a few of the many perks to taking a birthing class …
- Build awareness of your body’s progression through pregnancy, labor and delivery.
- Voice concerns and ease fears by asking questions early and often.
- Understand the procedures in practice at your hospital or birth center.
- Receive personal guidance in a small classroom atmosphere.
- Prepare your partner for his role in the delivery room and postpartum.
- Build a network of support that you can lean on both now and later.
- Go into labor with realistic expectations (and uncover fewer surprises).
- Develop a birth plan.
- Know the options available to you.
- Medication choices and results, plus pain relief alternatives
- Locations for giving birth
- Particular birthing methods
- Other scenarios you could encounter
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